Here is the synopsis for the latest episode of The Office, entitled "Golden Ticket":
Arriving to work one day dressed as Willy Wonka, Michael informs the office that he has placed 5 'golden tickets', that entitle the

finder to 10% off their paper, in 5 different shipments - or so he thinks. Later in the day, however, Jim receives a call from Dunder
Mifflin's biggest consumer that they found all 5 golden tickets in just one of their shipments. Michael, fearing for his job and the fate of the office, attempts to convince Dwight to take the fall for him and tell David that it was his idea all along.
Meanwhile, Kevin needs some answers on how to impress the woman he met at the Valentine's Day mixer, but ends up more confused than when he started after Jim, Pam, and Andy all try to lend a helping hand.
Now I don't watch the office but I thought that maybe I would give your blog a try.